TNCS is closed for Winter Break and will reopen on Monday, January 6, 2025. Classes resume on Tuesday, January 7.

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Roles & Responsibilities During Distance Learning

School Personnel

Leadership Team

  • Create and distribute TNCS’s Distance Learning Plan, or DLP 
  • Establish clear channels of communications between faculty, staff, families, and students in the event of this DLP being activated
  • Support faculty and students/families shifting to a distance learning environment 
  • Help teachers implement DLP and ensure high-quality learning experience for all students
  • Support all teachers and teams in the implementation of TNCS’s DLP
  • Provide models and examples of outstanding distance learning units and lessons 
  • Recommend new methods techniques for providing feedback to students
  • Support teachers and teams as they design new methods to assess student learning 
  • Support teachers and teams in developing strategies to differentiate their instruction

Teachers & Advisors

  • Collaborate with other members of your team or department to design distance learning experiences for your students
  • Communicate frequently with your students and with their parents 
  • Provide timely feedback to support your students’ learning
  • Implement the Guidelines for TNCS teachers shared earlier in the DLP

Health & Wellness

  • Provide resources, guidance, and support for students and employees to support their physical and emotional wellbeing

Student Advisors

  • Serve as liaison for communication with students/families 
  • Use virtual platforms (Zoom) to conduct advisory check-ins with students
  • Facilitate daily check-in

College & Career Counselor

  • Host Virtual Office Hours at set times for students and parents
  • Encourage students and parents to schedule these meetings as needed

Electives Teachers

  • Health & Physical Education – Develop a bank of mindfulness exercises, physical activities, and competitions for students
  • Visual Arts – Staying mindful of the resources and tools families may not have in their home, develop a bank of projects and activities for students to access if interested
  • Performing Arts – Develop activities for students to access in preparation for spring performance
  • Collaborate with classroom teachers on how to integrate music, art, and physical education into classroom projects and experiences.

Tech Support Team

  • Review and develop how-to tutorials for teachers, students, and parents 
  • Continually monitor the needs of teachers, students, and parents and troubleshoot their challenges, as needed
  • Be available remotely to provide on-demand tech support help


  • Establish daily routines for engaging in the learning experiences (e.g. 9am start)
  • Identify a comfortable, quiet space in your home where you can work effectively and successfully 
  • Complete assignments with integrity and academic honesty, doing your best work 
  • Do your best to meet timelines, commitments, and due dates
  • Communicate proactively with your teachers if you cannot meet deadlines or require additional support
  • Collaborate with and support your TNCS peers in their learning
  • Comply with TNCS’s Acceptable Use Policy, including expectations for online etiquette
  • Proactively seek out and communicate with adults at TNCS as different needs arise (see below)


Provide support for your student by adhering to the Guidelines for TNCS Parents as well as you can: 

  • Establish routines and expectations
  • Define the physical space for your child’s study
  • Monitor communications from your children’s teachers 
  • Begin and end each day with a check-in
  • Take an active role in helping your children process and own their learning 
  • Establish times for quiet and reflection
  • Encourage physical activity and/or exercise
  • Remain mindful of your child’s stress or worry
  • Keep your children social, but set rules around their social media interactions


Academic concern or question
Course Teacher

Technology-Related Problem or Issue
Greg Melton

Social-Emotional Concerns
Ashlyn Hudson

Health and Wellness Concerns
Noel Raggio
Jim Morgan