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How do I start the application process?

Complete the application and return it along with the application fee to TNCS. Then sign the release forms and return them to the child’s current school and to the appropriate professionals. If your child does not have a recent (within 3 years) Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV or V) then you will need to schedule one with a psychologist of your choosing.

How long does the application process take?

This varies depending on the need to schedule updated intelligence testing and the amount of time required to get records forwarded. Generally, the process takes 4 to 6 weeks, although there are exceptions.

How can I arrange a visit to the school?

Call 804.266.2494 or email the admissions office. Visits typically take about one hour and include a tour as well as the opportunity to ask more specific questions. If you wish, you may bring testing or school records with you for a brief review.

Why does my child need more testing?

The admissions testing that we do serves several purposes. Of course, it gives us the opportunity to work with the student so that we have a better idea of whether or not our program will be appropriate for that particular student. For students who subsequently enroll at TNCS, the tests help us to identify remedial needs and to place the student appropriately in language fundamentals and math classes. Each year, we re-test our students in order to measure progress and determine the program for the following year. To do this, we need to be consistent about the tests used.

What tests are part of the process?

We administer the Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT), the Group Reading Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation, the Test of Word Reading Efficiency, along with several writing instruments. Testing generally takes two to two and a half hours.

Why do you require an updated WISC?

We use the WISC to determine the most appropriate ways to teach each student. Although some students’ intelligence profiles remain consistent, in our experience many of our students’ test profiles will change, sometimes dramatically. Current testing helps to ensure that we are doing the best job possible. For high school students, there is an additional reason for keeping the intelligence testing current; the College Board requires current testing in order to qualify for accommodations such as extended time or a cassette version of the SAT and other college admissions tests.

How will we find out whether or not our child is accepted?

Following the admissions testing, our Admissions Committee studies all of the information in the child’s admissions file in order to determine whether or not this is an appropriate placement for the student. We then schedule a feedback appointment. In most instances, admissions decisions are communicated during this conference.