Portrait of a TNCS Teacher: Pillar 2
Teachers understand how knowledge in their subjects is created, organized and linked to other disciplines.
- Possess a firm command of their subject area including not just factual knowledge but major themes and concepts
- Leverage relationships within and between disciplines to create multiple pathways toward learning
- Recognize that multiple perspectives and interpretations exist within each content area
Teachers command specialized knowledge of how to convey a subject to students.
- Draw on a repertoire of instructional strategies to share their subject matter
- Respond to common misconceptions and areas of challenge
- Activate prior knowledge, experience, and skills
- Leverage technology to support learning
Teachers create multiple paths to learning.
- Vary their instructional approach to meet the learning needs of students
- Model and help students develop a critical mindset
- Encourage students to view issues from multiple perspectives
- Challenge students to apply their knowledge in new and distinct ways
Teachers utilize a diversity of instructional resources.
- Reflect on and reassess curriculum to adjust for cultural shifts and opportunities to celebrate diversity
- Provide opportunities to engage with authentic audiences
- Create learning environments that are culturally responsive
- Explore the intersectionality between various minority and marginalized groups