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Tuition/Financial Aid

Frequently Asked Questions about the costs of an education at The New Community School

What factors determine the annual tuition rate?

Comparing our tuition increases since 2019-2020 to others in the Richmond area, our tuition has risen 14.8% through 2023-24, while the median Richmond tuition rose 18.2% (DASL database, NAIS).

When considering our tuition, is it important to remember these factors:

  • Our teacher to student ratio is extraordinarily low. Language Fundamentals classes average 2 – 4 students, and academic classes average about 8. Overall, our student to teacher ratio at TNCS is 4 to 1. Our customized instruction and student success depend on these low ratios.
  • Our teachers are our most important asset. With an average of 15.9 years of teaching experience, it is critical that we retain our exceptional faculty and attract dedicated and enthusiastic new teachers in the competitive Richmond market.
  • 100% of tuition goes to the operation of the school. The Saber Strong campaign raised over $5.1 million to cover our Wellness Center addition which will include endowed funds to support its ongoing maintenance

What is the tuition fee for a full year?

The tuition for the school year 20242025  is $36,000This is the same for both Middle School and Upper School. 

Enrollment agreements are offered beginning in February. A deposit of $1,000 is due with the signed enrollment agreement.

What other costs can I expect?

In addition to tuition, expected fees include:

  • MacBook required for grades 8-12 
  • Technology Fee of $100 per year for apps and resources 
  • Laptop fee for grades 5 – 7, $100 per year 
  • School textbooks, supplies, and resources, estimated at $200 per school year 
  • Field trips, costs vary 
  • Athletic fees, $50 – $100 per season 
  • Yearbook fee 
  • Personal school supplies purchased through the School Store 
  • Additional personal book for LF classes 

Are there ways to make a TNCS education more affordable?

Following are resources available to help with tuition.

Use of Section 529 Plans to Pay Tuition

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 contains a provision that allows the use of Section 529 accounts to pay for private K-12 education up to $10,000 per year, per child starting in 2018. These accounts can be established by parents, grandparents, or family friends and contributions can receive state tax advantages.  The investments grow tax free and withdrawals are not taxed on capital gains, to the extent they are used to fund qualified educational expenses. There is additional information on this new tax law change on the Saving for College website.

Medical Expenses as Itemized Deductions

If you itemize your tax deductions, you may be able to include in medical expenses the cost of attending The New Community School, as a Special Education tuition expense. For more information, see IRS Publication 502 Medical and Dental Expenses for use in preparing returns, and/or check with your tax professional.

Financial Aid from The New Community School

In October 2024, TNCS began using Clarity as an online financial aid platform to receive and evaluate financial aid applications.  The Clarity platform is widely used in the Richmond area schools.

To start your financial aid application, go to the Clarity Application and create an account. The application typically takes less than 30 minutes to complete and is mobile-friendly.  You can complete the application anywhere!

Families are also able to save your progress and return at any time. At the end of the application, there is a $60 fee to submit, and you can share your application with additional schools that accept the Clarity Application for no additional charge. Simply use the dropdown menu in the application to select those schools.

The deadline for completing the financial aid application, including relevant supplemental documents, is March 1st for returning families and for new families.

If you need support during the process of completing your application, there is in-app support available through the “Help” button in the bottom left of the screen, as well as email and phone support at or 206-210-3752, in both English and Spanish. The application itself is also fully translated into Spanish.

Financial need is defined as the difference between your family’s resources and the cost of tuition.  TNCS meets a portion, but not necessarily all, of that need with its available resources. Families must reapply for assistance annually.

For general questions about financial aid at TNCS, please feel free to reach out to Joy Buzzard, Director of Finance & Operations,


Financing options include home equity lines, personal loans, or financing through Your Tuition Solution.  Brochures are available from the Business Office and the Admissions Office if you have any questions.


Education loans or scholarships from churches, related opportunities, community service organizations or philanthropic foundations may also be available to you. The school suggests that you apply to some of these groups who give aid to individuals, instead of schools.

Extended Family Support

Some of our families receive assistance with tuition from relatives. While there is an annual limit on gifts to others, gifts of tuition are not limited.

Federal/State/Local Funds

Public school systems have placed students at The New Community School. In these instances, the public schools pay all of the tuition costs. Occasionally, the public school system initiates the placement process because it believes that it is not able to provide an appropriate program for the student. In other instances, parents have gained placement for their child at New Community under Public Law through due process procedures developed by the Virginia Department of Education.

Is there a Financial Aid Calculator?

How Do Private Schools Determine Aid? is a very informative article that speaks to the variety of issues that are considered in determining financial aid.

Are Operating Funds used for other purposes by the school?

Operating Fund income, consisting of tuition and Annual Fund contributions, is used only for meeting the needs of the school’s educational programs, financial aid, and related support services. Other important projects determined by the board of trustees, such as capital campaigns for buildings, property, or endowment efforts, are funded by contributions and gifts given specifically for those purposes.

When are tuition payments due?

There is a $1,000 deposit, due when the enrollment agreement is signed. The school offers two billing options:

  • 5 Payment Plan: equal payments billed on the 1st of June, July, October, January, and March.
  • 10 Payment Plan, for those who choose to pay their bills automatically through ACH. Payments are drafted on the 15th or 30th of June, July, August, September, October, November, January, February, March, and April.

What are the available methods of payment?

Tuition and other payments can be made by check, wire transfer or by credit card using our online system. Most major credit cards are accepted, as well as debit cards. Additional fees apply. The Business Office can also setup an automatic draft on your checking or savings account. Contact the Business Office for more information (804.266.2494 x2233).