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Welcome to the website of The New Community School. For nearly 50 years, our school has filled a unique role in the education of middle and high school students with specific difficulties learning language, otherwise known as dyslexia.

Our students are bright and capable. They come here to improve basic skills they were not successfully taught in earlier schooling. Unfortunately for them, the lack of the basic skills often takes a toll on both their performance and their self-confidence. However, our students are resilient and creative. Once they see their skills improve, they seem to sense they can do even more. With the right setting and support they are inquisitive, social and productive. Many are also artistic or athletic; all bring talents and diverse experiences and contributions to this school community.

Our faculty is excellent. They are well educated and practical, yet idealistic in their philosophies of education and united in their commitment to work together to make a difference in the lives of our students. Our teachers hold themselves to a high standard and seek measures of accountability and substantive approaches to include in their teaching strategies. They love to solve the puzzles of learning and to use the student’s strengths to overcome any weaknesses. They know that their work will increase the life options of their students.

New Community understands the need to address the fuller aspects of a young person’s life. Teachers serve as sponsors of special interest groups, coaches, advisors and interested, caring adults working in concert with parents in the best interests of the students. Teachers are aware that amidst student complaints of homework, requirements and expectations, the sense of accomplishment and pride for a job well done is palpable.

We invite you to visit not only our website, but our campus as well. We should probably warn you that ours is a learning place — and the desire to learn is sometimes contagious!


Nancy L. Foy
Head of the School