TNCS is closed on Tuesday, February 11th.

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Technology Systems to Support Distance Learning

With regard to the school’s core technological and communications systems, TNCS offers the following FAQs to describe how we will communicate and manage learning in the event this DLP is implemented.

How will TNCS communicate with parents, students, and faculty/staff in the event of an extended campus closure?

TNCS will continue to use the same channels it employs for normal day-to-day communications with parents, students, and faculty/staff. All of these systems are remotely accessible and will continue operating during this time. These systems are described below:

Portals: Parents and Students
will continue to be the platform used by most teachers.

Zoom: Faculty and Student
For video conferencing in small or large groups, we will use Zoom.

School Website: General Public
TNCS will maintain general information and lists of resources on the COVID-19 Information & Resources page.

Notify: Faculty, Staff, and Parents
Electronic messaging system

Email: Faculty, Staff, Parents, and Students
Email will be used for all major communications and announcement, including those from the head of school and division directors. Faculty will also use email to communication, although they will use other platforms to interact with their students, as well.

Are the learning management systems (LMS) employed in this plan the same as those used during normal school operations?

Yes, TNCS’s systems are already built on cloud-based systems. That means these systems will continue to work from anywhere in the world, even during an emergency. TNCS’s data is not physically hosted on the school’s network, which means we can continue to use our systems.

How will TNCS ensure that students have access to these systems from off-campus?

MS and US students bring their devices home every night. In the event that campus closure seems likely, teachers would attempt to ensure all students in grades 5 through 12 bring their devices and chargers home.