TNCS is closed on Tuesday, February 11th.

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Roles & Responsibilities of the School

Leadership Team

  • Create and distribute TNCS’s Distance Learning Plan, or DLP 
  • Establish clear channels of communications between faculty, staff, families, and students in the event of this DLP being activated
  • Support faculty and students/families shifting to a distance learning environment 
  • Help teachers implement DLP and ensure high-quality learning experience for all students
  • Support all teachers and teams in the implementation of TNCS’s DLP
  • Provide models and examples of outstanding distance learning units and lessons 
  • Recommend new methods techniques for providing feedback to students
  • Support teachers and teams as they design new methods to assess student learning 
  • Support teachers and teams in developing strategies to differentiate their instruction

Teachers & Advisors

  • Collaborate with other members of your team or department to design distance learning experiences for your students
  • Communicate frequently with your students and with their parents 
  • Provide timely feedback to support your students’ learning
  • Implement the Guidelines for TNCS teachers shared earlier in the DLP

Health & Wellness

  • Provide resources, guidance, and support for students and employees to support their physical and emotional wellbeing

Student Advisors

  • Serve as liaison for communication with students/families 
  • Use virtual platforms (Zoom) to conduct advisory check-ins with students
  • Facilitate daily check-in

College & Career Counselor

  • Host Virtual Office Hours at set times for students and parents
  • Encourage students and parents to schedule these meetings as needed

Electives Teachers

  • Health & Physical Education – Develop a bank of mindfulness exercises, physical activities, and competitions for students
  • Visual Arts – Staying mindful of the resources and tools families may not have in their home, develop a bank of projects and activities for students to access if interested
  • Performing Arts – Develop activities for students to access in preparation for spring performance
  • Collaborate with classroom teachers on how to integrate music, art, and physical education into classroom projects and experiences.

Tech Support Team

  • Review and develop how-to tutorials for teachers, students, and parents 
  • Continually monitor the needs of teachers, students, and parents and troubleshoot their challenges, as needed
  • Be available remotely to provide on-demand tech support help