TNCS is closed on Tuesday, February 11th.

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FAQ: Distance Learning

Schedule and Events

When will the last day of school occur?

Our last day of school for all students is now Friday, May 22nd. This is earlier than previously scheduled but still permits us to exceed the accrediting standards for instructional time set by the Virginia Association of Independent Schools and Virginia Council for Private Education.  

Will Commencement and Prom take place?

We are committed to holding both Prom and Upper School Commencement as in-person events. Because of the governor’s stay-at-home order, we are remaining flexible on when these events will take place. We will announce details about these events as soon as circumstances allow. 

What will happen to our traditional springtime events?

We are talking with our students, faculty, and staff to determine the best way that we can reimagine many of our honored springtime traditions. This includes Senior Speeches, our Senior Honoring Dinner, 8th grade Moving Up Ceremony, and the Spring Awards Celebration. We will update our community as we know more.

Will we have student-led conferences on May 1st?

No, student-led conferences will not take place. May 1st will be a regular school day. 

Is May 4th still a Professional Development Day?

Yes, Professional Development will take place as scheduled. There will be no classes that day.  

When will athletics resume?

We will begin our Saber Strong conditioning program to prepare for our fall season once we are permitted to return to campus. Until then, we recommend our athletes continue to use the resources on the school’s Health and Wellness website.  

Will the Saber Summer Spectacular (summer programs) take place?

While we continue to take guidance from the Governor and public health officials, we currently hope to begin the Saber Summer Spectacular on June 15th as scheduled.

How long will the campus remain closed?

As long as the governor’s stay-at-home order remains in place, our school campus will remain closed to all but essential school personnel. We look forward to reopening campus as soon as is permitted.

Academics & Assessment

How should students be using the Flex Time period time in the schedule?

On even days our schedule has a built-in “Flex Time” period, an opportunity for students to continue to explore interests in the areas of Health & Wellness and Electives. The school’s COVID-19 Resource Page has links to dedicated sites in these areas. During this time, students also have the opportunity to schedule a meeting with their Health & Wellness or Electives teacher or work on asynchronous activities in these areas. 

What is the purpose of the afternoon Asynchronous Work Time?

The TNCS Distance Learning Plan offers a balance of synchronous (working together) and asynchronous (working independently) learning opportunities. The afternoon asynchronous time should be used to continue work that was introduced in the morning synchronous periods. In addition, teachers are available to work with students individually or in small groups. Students are encouraged to reach out to their teachers during this time.  

Will students receive class grades at the end of the year?

Yes, students will receive grades based on the same assessment model that we use for on-campus classes. Teachers continue to focus on learning goals and objectives. Similar to our on-campus practice, students will continue to have the opportunity to reassess. 

Will there be exams at the end of the school year?

No, exams will not take place. Semester grades will reflect performance on the standards and objectives completed during the year, including new standards introduced and assessed during the fourth quarter.

How will course selection for next year occur? 

Students traditionally select their courses in the spring for the following year. This will continue to be our practice. Watch for future communication.

How will distance learning impact the college counseling process?

College and Career Counselor, Ms. Taryn Adkins, is working remotely and continues to hold meetings with students and families. We are monitoring the scheduling of the SAT and ACTs. Ms. Adkins will work directly with families to ensure that any canceled tests are rescheduled.

Click here to download a printable version of these FAQs.